Friday, March 31, 2023


Yep, we're looking at four weeks until Howard Days happens at the Robert E. Howard Museum in Cross Plains, Texas on April 28th & 29th. 

As that time will be here before we know it, we're going to post little reminders about happenings at Howard Days that aren't necessarily listed in detail on the schedule for the next few weeks.

First up: time's a wastin' for you to send your donated REH items to be placed up for bid at the Silent Auction, held in conjunction with the Friday Celebration Banquet. This is the big fund raiser for Project Pride, the community civic group which maintains the Museum. Please check over your REH collection for any items you could donate to Project Pride and send them to PP, POB 534, Cross Plains, TX 76443. Books, paperbacks, magazines, fanzines & small press, comics, artwork - c'mon, we've all got duplicates that we can spare. Help out the REH Museum in this exciting event. We know that this year there'll be a nifty set of pint glasses complete with REH quotes etched into them at the auction. There might even be some pieces of the picket fence that REH may have gazed on!

The good thing about the Silent Auction is that it's available to everyone, not just Banquet ticket holders. You may enter and bid to your heart's content without partaking of the dinner. But for only $25 you can have a great meal surrounded by the incredible Howard Fellowship that makes every Howard Days feel like a family reunion. Plus, your $25 goes to helping out the REH Museum!

Tickets to the Banquet are going fast, so don't miss out! You may send your $25 to the address above or you can Pay Pal to

Don't delay! Howard Days is a memorable experience. Y'all come!

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