Well, all right! HOWARD DAYS 2022 is coming up fast (SEVEN WEEKS! Where did the time go?) and we're in the process of getting everything ready!
The schedule is 90% set (we're still waiting on confirmation for one panel and our gaming venues), so it's time for you to make your plans to join us at the Robert E. Howard Museum in Cross Plains, Texas on June 10th & 11th. And we've even got stuff going on Thursday the 9th!
The dual themes this year are The REH Influence on Gaming (role-playing, table-top/board games and video) and the 90th anniversaries of Conan, the Cimmerian as well as two Howard masterpieces: Worms of the Earth and the poem Cimmeria.
Fred Malmberg, President of Heroic Signatures (formerly Cabinet Entertainment), will be our Guest of Honor this year. Fred was instrumental in introducing both Conan and role-playing gaming to the people of Sweden and has carried on those activities in the U.S. for over 20 years now. Come hear him speak at the Celebration Banquet.
All the usual HD events will be happening: the Robert E. Howard Museum will be open on Thursday, Friday and Saturday; you can tour the museum at your leisure or have docents tell you all about the house where REH lived and wrote. The Alla Ray Morris Pavilion, adjacent to the House, is available for the entire weekend as the main meeting place for all attendees.
The Gift shop in the House is well-stocked with incredible REH items. The Cross Plains Public Library is open to show their collection of original REH typescripts and Weird Tales & pulp magazines. The REH Foundation Press will be set up to sell Howard books and we'll have tables for dealers of REH/related merchandise set up in the surrounding yard. Bus, Walking and Grounds tours will be made, panels will be given, a special souvenir postal cancellation stamp is available on Friday and a Hot Dog Lunch will satisfy your hunger Friday Noon.
We'll have a Celebration Banquet on Friday night, where hundreds of REH items will be shown for the Silent Auction that takes place at the Banquet. Saturday night brings us the Sunset BBQ, where authentic Texas barbeque will make you glad you came!
We're planning on having REH gaming over the weekend too. Role-playing and board games will be presented (and a cornhole game in the yard!); stay tuned for more information on logistics for the gaming.
But best of all, the Howard Days weekend is all about REH Fellowship. You can meet Howard Fans from all over the world: France, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Japan - and of course, the good ol' USA - who gather in Cross Plains to celebrate the Life and Legacy of Robert E. Howard.
More detailed information is available if you click on the tabs at the top of this page. We're looking forward to seeing you in Cross Plains in just SEVEN WEEKS! We guarantee a great time!
Y'all come!