Howard Days, Project Pride of Cross Plains and the Robert E. Howard Fountain are happy to announce that Fred Malmberg is the Guest of Honor at our 2022 event.
We hope you can join us at the Robert E. Howard Museum in Cross Plains, Texas, this June 10th and 11th for the Best Two Days in Howard Fandom! With our dual theme this year of the REH Influence on Gaming and Anniversaries Galore: Conan, Cimmeria, Bran Mak Morn and the first Conan movie), you can expect a great two days chock full of events, tours, panels, signings, awards, readings and fellowship - and don't forget the great Texas grub!
Scheduling information is being updated and will be posted very soon, so stay tuned and make plans for a fun two days of Howard Fellowship!
Plus, you'll get to hang out with one of the more important people in the world of Robert E. Howard and Conan these days, Fred Malmberg! Hope to see you there!
Fred Malmberg, hailing from the icy north (Sweden), has been a fan of Robert E. Howard since his teens, and was notably the first publisher of Conan in the Swedish language. He played a major part in the Swedish game boom of the 1980's, utilizing intellectual property across games, publishing and entertainment. Since acquiring the rights to Conan in 2002, and the rest of the REH estate in 2006, Fred has worked internationally with the comics, game, toy, and entertainment industries, bringing Conan and Howard to a broader audience than likely ever before, in particular through computer games, Such as the Age of Conan and Conan Exiles games from licensee Funcom. Currently, he is serving as an Executive Producer of a Conan entertainment package at Netflix, and heads up the Heroic Signatures team in Los Angeles.