Thursday, May 23, 2019

Howard Days is Two Weeks Away!

We are approaching crunch time as we prepare for the 2019 version of Robert E. HOWARD DAYS in Cross Plains. Here is some information and reminders to help you maximize your enjoyment.

First, if you haven't decided attending Howard Days and would like to - COME ON DOWN! There is plenty of room in Texas and the big Pavilion and yard is available for your relaxation.

There are also still seats available at the Friday night Celebration Banquet. For only $15.00 per person you can enjoy a scrumptious chicken-fried steak dinner with all the trimmings, hobnob with fellow Howard fans and partake in the Silent Auction. 100% of the proceeds from the Auction go to Project Pride and the maintenance of the REH Museum. You may still reserve a seat at the Banquet via Paypal: or send a check to Project Pride, POB 534, Cross Plains, TX 76443, by June 1st.

Speaking of the Silent Auction, there is always room for more donations to support Project Pride and the Howard Museum. REH books, magazines & pulps, comics, fanzines, artwork, posters - anything directly Howard related is most appreciated (and tax deductible!) You can bring items to the Gift Shop on Friday during Howard Days, or there's still time to ship to the address above.

We are celebrating several anniversaries this year at Howard Days!
Project Pride 30 years (there will be cake at the Hot Dog Lunch!)
Cross Plains Public Library 40 years
Howard's creation of Sword & Sorcery Fiction 90 years
Howard's great boxer Steve Costigan is 90!
Doctor Howard's purchase of the House 100 years

There will be several tables set up in the yard in front of the Pavilion for anyone to use as an informal dealer's area. We ask that you: A. Only display items DIRECTLY related to Robert E. Howard (see list above - Howard's contemporaries stuff allowed, but no personal books, etc.). And B. If you use one of these tables, please make a nice donation to the House.
These tables are first come, first served, but sharing is allowed!

The Sword & Sorcery Poetry of REH panel listed in the original schedule has been replaced with Sailor Steve Costigan is 90 and Still Fighting! Join Chris Gruber, Mark Finn, Jeff Shanks and some French Guy at 11 am on Saturday.

More info and updates as we get 'em! Looking forward to seeing y'all at The Best Two Days in Howard Fandom!

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Four Weeks to Go!

With only four weeks until Howard Days, we're in the process of sharpening our Bowies and checking the ammo in our pistolas - which is our way of saying Texas-style: We're getting ready for The Best Two Days in Howard Fandom!

We've had some minor changes to our panel schedule and we've announced the panelists, so please check out those changes. There's always a surprise or three that pop up at Howard Days, so we hope you'll be there!

The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press has announced that the release of their newest book, Post Oaks and Sand Roughs and Other Autobiographical Writings, will make its debut at Howard Days. This long-awaited volume, which completes the REHF Press mission of putting all of Howard's writings in public view, contains the title novel and many other biographical pieces by REH. You may pre-order this book at, with shipping to begin after June 10 (unless you want to pick up your copy at Howard Days!)

Stay tuned to this page and our Facebook page for additional information and updates, which will be coming with more regularity. The adrenaline is starting to flow as we ramp up for Howard Days!

Y'all come!

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Howard Days Silent Auction

One of the most exciting events at Howard Days is the Silent Auction that takes place during the Celebration Banquet on Friday night.

Last year's auction featured nearly 200 items of interest to REH fans and this year it will be even better. Gaze upon the magnificent quilt made from Howard Days t-shirts by Nora Pointer. The bidding will be fast and furious on this one!

If you would like to donate REH books, comics, fanzines, magazines, paperbacks, art and/or like items that are Howard-specific, you will be helping out Project Pride and their maintenance of the Robert E. Howard Museum. 100% of the proceeds from the Silent Auction goes directly to the Howard House.

Help maintain Robert E. Howard's legacy in Cross Plains and all over the world by donating your Howard items to:

Project Pride
Howard Days Silent Auction
POB 534
Cross Plains, TX 76443

Or, if you are in attendance on June 7th, you may bring your donations to the Museum before 4 pm.
And be sure to bring plenty of cash or your checkbook, as neither the Auction or the Gift Shop cannot accept credit of debit cards.

Hope to see you in Cross Plains June 7th and 8th for The Best Two Days in Howard Fandom!

Monday, May 6, 2019

REH Foundation Awards

Voting for the 2018 Robert E. Howard Foundation Awards is now live and awaiting your vote! You may cast your vote until May 15, 2019 over at
Results for these awards will be announced on Friday, June 7th at Robert E. Howard Days.