Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Howard Days Silent Auction

One of the most exciting events at Howard Days is the Silent Auction that takes place during the Celebration Banquet on Friday night.

Last year's auction featured nearly 200 items of interest to REH fans and this year it will be even better. Gaze upon the magnificent quilt made from Howard Days t-shirts by Nora Pointer. The bidding will be fast and furious on this one!

If you would like to donate REH books, comics, fanzines, magazines, paperbacks, art and/or like items that are Howard-specific, you will be helping out Project Pride and their maintenance of the Robert E. Howard Museum. 100% of the proceeds from the Silent Auction goes directly to the Howard House.

Help maintain Robert E. Howard's legacy in Cross Plains and all over the world by donating your Howard items to:

Project Pride
Howard Days Silent Auction
POB 534
Cross Plains, TX 76443

Or, if you are in attendance on June 7th, you may bring your donations to the Museum before 4 pm.
And be sure to bring plenty of cash or your checkbook, as neither the Auction or the Gift Shop cannot accept credit of debit cards.

Hope to see you in Cross Plains June 7th and 8th for The Best Two Days in Howard Fandom!

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