Thursday, April 27, 2017
Howard Days is Six Weeks Away!
The Best Two Days in Howard Fandom are just around the corner! Schedules are set, plans are made, itineraries are being filled and surprises are in the offing! Howard Days 2017 has the makings of being another wonderful time to support the Legacy of Robert E. Howard!
Project Pride of Cross Plains, the fine folks who actually do all of the work to insure a great Howard Days, is busy with their preparations. While we are trying a couple of new things this year with the venues and the programming, one of the most popular events during Howard Days is staying in place.
The Silent Auction at the Friday night Celebration Banquet, is one of the most exciting happenings that occurs during Howard Days. Attendees file into the Cross Plains Community Center to enjoy a delicious Texas meal, hear Guest of Honor Paul Herman speak, meet and greet old and new friends - and then elbow each other out of the way as pencils fly and bids are placed on the scores of REH items lined up on tables, awaiting bids! Just kidding about the elbows, but bidding is always fun, fast and furious! And 100% of the proceeds go to Project Pride and their year-round care of the Robert E. Howard Museum.
Items in the auction range from old and new Howard hardback and paperback books, magazines, comic books and graphic novels, fanzines, original artwork, posters, 3-D art - the myriad list is mind-boggling! A number of the items are collectibles for those folks wanting to fill in their Howard collections and there are always some surprise items that ramp up the bidding!
To that end, the Silent Auction needs your help. By your donation of items for the auction, you're helping out Project Pride as they continuously insure the Legacy of Ol' Two-Gun Bob Howard. A number of us have multiple items in our Howard collections that would be gladly accepted into the Silent Auction, so we're hoping you can help!
You can mail your (tax-deductible) items to:
Project Pride Silent Auction, POB 534, Cross Plains, TX 76443
Or, you can bring items to the Howard House on the Friday of Howard Days. However, items mailed early enable Project Pride to have them in place on the tables, ready for bids.
Both the Silent Auction and the Gift Shop at the Howard House are only equipped to take your cash or check, so please plan accordingly. (There are several ATM's around town.)
Word is out that there will be a number of items from the Glenn Lord Collection in this year's auction, compliments of Lou Ann Lord. You won't want to miss this!
And it's not too late to make plans to head to Cross Plains and join the fun. With the exception of the Banquet meal, all the events, activities, panels, tours at Howard Days are FREE! You can't find a better deal than that! Hope to see you there - y'all come!
Friday, April 7, 2017
Registration Forms Now Available

Here are the registration pages going out now to folks on the Project Pride mailing list. Never fear! You may use the form here to register for Howard Days in June.
Please note that the registration taking place is primarily for the Friday Celebration Banquet. ALL the activities at Howard Days: admission to the Howard Museum and grounds, the Bus Tour, all panels, swap meet, readings and other activities are presented FREE of charge! The $15.00 fee gets you a seat at the Banquet plus helps defray the cost of drinks, donuts, and a hot dog lunch.
You won't find a better deal all summer. Plus you get to hang out with a great group of people! Hope to see you in June - it's never too late to come on down to Howard Days. It's in Texas - there's plenty of room!
Y'all come!
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