Sunday, March 31, 2019

Finally - A New Header

Hope you like the new header - sorry for the lag time. Eventually Indy here will figure out how these computer things work!

However, we've already figured out the workings of Howard Days and hope that you can join us in Cross Plains on June 7th and 8th (like the header says!) for The Best Two Days in Howard Fandom!

The schedule in the previous post shows a lot of activity crammed into two days. Plus, there's always special extemporaneous happenings that pop up for you REH pleasures. A lot is going on and we hope you'll be there to enjoy it!

Y'all come!

Artwork copyright Justin Sweet.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Three Months to Howard Days!

And we're off and running, getting our Howard Days ducks in a row. We're planning another spectacular Robert E. Howard celebration this year and we certainly hope you can join us in Cross Plains, Texas on June 7th and 8th (or earlier if you like!)

Details of the schedule below are forthcoming in a day or two, but you can see we've got all our normal fun REH activities on tap for you to enjoy The Best Two Days in Howard Fandom!

Check the tabs at the top of this blog for more detailed information and how to go about getting the most out of your Howard Days trip!

2:00 – 4:00 pm: The Robert E. Howard House and Museum is open to the public. There are no docents on duty but the Gift Shop will be open and the grounds and Pavilion available to all.
5:00 – 7:00 pm: Fish Fry at the Cross Plains Senior Center.
6:00 pm: Barbarian Festival Parade down Main Street in Cross Plains.
Afterwards, Howard Fellowship at the Pavilion

8:30 am until gone: Coffee and donuts at the Pavilion, compliments of Project Pride
9 am – 4 pm: Robert E. Howard House Museum and Grounds open to the public. The adjacent Alla Ray Morris Pavilion will be open until late night.
9 am – 4 pm: REH Postal Cancellation Souvenir at Cross Plains Post Office. Friday Only.
9 am – 11 am: Bus Tour of Cross Plains & Surrounding Areas. Friday Only.
10 am to 4 pm: REH Foundation Press canopy and Dealers Area open on grounds east of Museum.
10 am – 5 pm: Cross Plains Public Library open. Original Robert E. Howard typescripts along with original Weird Tales magazines will be on display. The Conan Board Game and the Conan Role-playing Game will be presented.
11 am: PANEL: A History of Project Pride and the Robert E. Howard Museum.
                           NOTE: Presented at the House & Pavilion.
NOON: Hot Dog Lunch hosted by Project Pride at the Pavilion. Donations are welcome!
1:30 pm: PANEL: The Writers of REH
2:30 pm: PANEL: The Fourth Annual Glenn Lord Symposium.
Following this panel will be the presentations of the 2017 Robert E. Howard Foundation Awards.
5:30 – 6:30 pm: Silent Auction items available for viewing & bidding at Banquet site
6:30 pm: Robert E. Howard Celebration Banquet & Silent Auction at the Family Life Center of the Baptist Church on Main Street. Guest of Honor Speaker: David C. Smith
9:00 pm PANEL: Fists at the Ice House, Celebrating 90 Years of Sailor Steve Costigan.
                             NOTE: Presented on the actual Ice House grounds where Howard boxed!

Afterward there will be Howard Fellowship at the Pavilion.  All are welcome and adult beverages are allowed.

9 am – 4 pm: Robert E. Howard House Museum open to the public. The adjacent Alla Ray Morris Pavilion will be open until late night.
9 am – 4 pm: BARBARIAN FESTIVAL at Treadway Park, 3 blocks west of REH House
10 am – 3 pm: Cross Plains Public Library open. Original Robert E. Howard typescripts along with original Weird Tales magazines will be on display The Conan Board Game and the Conan Role-playing Game will be presented.
10 am to 4 pm: REH Foundation Press canopy and Dealers Area open on grounds east of Museum.
11 am PANEL: The Sword & Sorcery Poetry of Robert E. Howard
NOON: Lunch and/or Barbarian Festival activities at your leisure
1:30 pm PANEL: Kull, Conan Solomon Kane: The Original S&S Characters?
2:30 pm PANEL: What’s Up with REH?
4:30 pm: Tour of REH House Grounds
6 to 8 pm: Sunset BBQ at the Pavilion
At twilight/after BBQ: Multi-language reading of Howard’s poem “Cimmeria” + more REH poetry read aloud from the Museum porch.

Afterward there will be Howard Fellowship at the Pavilion.  All are welcome and adult beverages are allowed.

Special Announcements will be ongoing over both days,
There will be special guests and extemporaneous events: readings, book signings and surprises happening throughout Friday and Saturday