Friday, January 31, 2025

Howard Days Exclusive Art Print

 As we continue to work on programming for this year's event, our Guest of Honor Mark Wheatley tells us this;

"I just finished this new painting, illustrating Robert E. Howard's poem, Solomon Kane's Homecoming. This will be available as an exclusive, signed, art print in full benefit of the Cross Plains Project Pride for Robert E. Howard Days."

So, another reason to rein your horse towards Cross Plains for Howard Days on June 13th & 14th!

Check out Mark's Facebook page plus his website:

Tuesday, January 21, 2025


It's time once again to blaze those pistolas and brandish those Bowies and wish Bob Howard a Happy Birthday! January 22nd, 1906 marks the beginning of Robert E. Howard and here in 2025 we celebrate the 119th anniversary of his birth!

We've got a Solomon Kane cake here all ready to to help us celebrate. Wish we had some of Ben Friberg's ice cream to go along with it - it would certainly keep well in light of the current January deep freeze we're undergoing!

Some of us enjoy a time-honored tradition and like to raise a glass of a preferred beverage and toast Ol' Two-Gun while reading some of his writings on his birthday. As 2025 is the 100th anniversary of his first published story, around here we're going with Spear and Fang.

And think about honoring the Legacy of REH even more with a trip to Robert E. Howard Days, June 13th & 14th. There will be more cake as we celebrate 100 Years of Robert E. Howard being a professional writer. And the ice cream will taste better then too!

Happy birthday, Bob Howard! Thanks for all the words.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Mark Wheatley is the Howard Days 2025 Guest of Honor

The Robert E. Howard Foundation is pleased to announce that artist Mark Wheatley has been chosen as Guest of Honor for Robert E. Howard Days 2025.

One of Mark’s current projects is creating cover paintings for the Ultimate Edition series of Robert E. Howard books from the REH Foundation Press. When this ongoing project is completed, there will be 22 Robert E. Howard books with Mark Wheatley covers!
Please join us at Howard Days in Cross Plains, Texas, on June 13th & 14th and meet Mark Wheatley.

Mark Wheatley is an Overstreet Hall of Fame inductee and has been awarded the Eisner, Inkpot, Speakeasy, Mucker, Gem, Golden Lion, Robert E. Howard Foundation Award for Outstanding Achievement, and nominations for the Harvey and the Ignatz. His work has been featured at The Norman Rockwell Museum, Toledo Museum of Art, Huntington Art Museum, Fitchburg Art Museum, James A. Michener Art Museum and the Library of Congress. He has designed for Lady Gaga, The Black Eyed Peas, ABC’s Beauty and the Beast, and Square Roots, as well as Super Clyde, The Millers and 2 Broke Girls on CBS. His most recent projects include the theatrical poster for REBEL MOON, NUCLEUS X, Songs of Giants, Doctor Cthulittle, Tarzan and the Dark Heart of Time, Swords Against the Moon Men, PIRATES OF VENUS, THE VISUAL HISTORY OF SCIENCE FICTION FANDOM, THE MONSTER ON HOLD and covers for the Ultimate Edition series of Robert E. Howard books. Past creations include Return of The Human, Ez Street, Lone Justice, Mars, Black Hood, Prince Nightmare, Hammer of The Gods, Frankenstein Mobster, Blood of The Innocent,and Skultar. His interpretations of established characters such as Tarzan, Baron Munchausen, Jonny Quest, Dr. Strange, The Flash, Captain Action, Argus, The Spider,and Stargate Atlantis have brought them to life for a new generation of readers. He has written for TV, illustrated books, designed cutting-edge role-playing games, hosted a weekly radio program, and was an early innovator of the on-line daily comic strip form.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

The Robert E. Howard Foundation is happy to announce that nominations are being accepted for the 2025 Robert E. Howard Foundation Awards, The nomination period runs from January 13th until February 15th. You do not need to be a member of the Foundation to nominate.

Voting for the Awards winners will commence March 1st and go until March 15th. Only members of the REH Foundation are eligible to vote.

For all the information you'll need about the Awards and how to vote, please go to