Sunday, March 26, 2023

A Howard Days Book Bonanza!

 One of the exciting things about Howard Days (April 28-29) is that in addition to all the regular features of the weekend, we get to peruse a number of new publishing events that keep the Life and Legacy of Robert E. Howard on our minds!

The long-awaited ROBERT E. HOWARD PHOTO ALBUM, edited by Dennis McHaney, will debut at Howard Days in April. The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press has put together a photographic history of Bob Howard, compiling all the 38 known photos of him, along with "snaps" of his family, friends and close environs. It is a beautiful edition, available in hardback and soft cover, that will add to your REH knowledge and appreciation. Plus, you'll get to see Ol' Two-Gun in his underwear!

From Dennis McHaney and Old Tiger Press is FORBIDDEN MAGIC & Other Poems & Miscellanea in Weird Tales. This gem will be first available at Howard Days 2023 and contains not only all the poems that REH had published in Weird Tales, but also the poems he used as chapter headings in some of his stories. Plus, we get to see all the the letters that Howard had published in The Eyrie, WT's letters page. Also included herein are the black and white illustrations that accompanied some of the poems. This will be officially released at Howard Days; it is available at now.

2023 finds us with the theme of 100 Years of Weird Tales and will be about REH's involvement with his most prodigious publisher. What better way to learn about this than to pick up Dennis McHaney's ROBERT E. HOWARD AND WEIRD TALES, a beautiful 178 page book available from lulu,com. Filled with art and anecdotes, it is an illustrated history of everything Ol' Two-Gun Bob had in Weird Tales magazine: stories, poems, letters to the editor - this book has it all.

And Mr. McHaney's  recently published "companion" volume, ROBERT E. HOWARD IN THE PULPS, is also available now. This volume has been nominated for the REH Foundation's Atlantean Award this year for Outstanding Achievement, Book. (Seeing as how it is the only book nominated in that category, congratulations to Dennis!) You can get this award-winner now at SIDE NOTE: Dennis has been involved with REH publishing for 50 years. From the early days of mimeographed fanzines, Dennis has continued on to be the world's most prolific publisher of Robert E. Howard's works! Check out his page at

Jason Waltz, kingpin at Rogue Blades Foundation, is presenting HITHER CAME CONAN, a collection of essays examining the 21 original Howard Conan stories. This title collects Bob Byrne's award-winning series "Hither Came Conan", hosted by John O'Neill at Over 35 REH scholars have contributed to this fine examination of the Howard Conan writing, (17 of the stories that originally appeared in Weird Tales) plus the unpublished Conan tales and drafts. This book will be available in person at Howard Days, and a number of the authors collected therein will be at Howard Days to sign your copy! It is also available now at

THE ROBERT E. HOWARD ART CHRONOLOGY is coming from Chenault and Gray publishing, a 4 volume set compiled and written by Michael Tierney. It covers the visual aspects of Howard's published works in almost 1,500 pages or art and text. Mr. Tierney will be on hand at this year's Howard Days to show this magnum opus of REH art and he will display the books and take orders for these weighty tomes.

All in all, Howard Days 2023 has the promise of being a bibliophile's dream. Along with the REH Foundation delivering on the 2nd and 3rd volumes of The Collected Poems of Robert E. Howard, we're in for an exciting weekend of Howard books, education and fellowship! And Texas is a really big state, so there's always room for YOU at Howard Days!

Y'all come!

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