By this time next week, folks from all over the world will be arriving in Cross Plains, Texas for the annual Howard Days event.
Here are a few comments, tips and pointers for enjoying Howard Days as much as possible.
If you do come in on Wednesday (June 8) it will be ok to visit the Howard Museum. While the House is not open, the grounds are available for all. The Pavilion has some seating if you just want to hang out. This is a really good time to get clear photos of the House and grounds. There will be folks stopping by and enjoying some early Howard Fellowship there and this can go on until after dark. Some will gather at Jean's Feed Barn for lunch or dinner too. Believe me, you'll be able to spot fellow Howard fans!
Thursday is when things really start to happen. The Howard Museum and Alla Ray Morris Pavilion will be available during the day for all with tables and chairs. You may play games in the Pavilion at this time (see the Gaming Schedule below) and enjoy a refreshing beverage or bring-your-own-lunch along with the comradery of Howard Fans. Cool drinks will probably be available there, but bring your own just in case.
Speaking of schedules, the entire weekend schedule (+gaming) will be posted LARGE size at the Pavilion.
On Thursday, the Museum will be open from 2 to 4 pm. You may tour the house freely, but there are no docents that day. The Gift Shop will be open as well, filled with new items and Howard stuff you just can't live without. Don't forget that the Gift Shop doesn't take cards, just cash or checks.
And also on Thursday: the Cross Plains Senior Center is having a fund-raising Fish (and Chicken!) Fry from 5 to 7.The SC is easy to find right on Main Street and is a nice gathering place for all Howard Fans! Plus, your $8.00 will help out the Senior Center as you dine among the most friendly of folks!
On Wednesday or Thursday some folks like to take the drive to Brownwood to visit Howard's grave site. Howard is buried in the Greenleaf Cemetery. There are also a wide variety of restaurants and stores there.
A reminder for the Friday (only) Bus Tour of Cross Plains and environs: the Bus leaves from the Pavilion pretty close to 9am, so you'll want to be there early. We have to do this early morning while it's still relatively cool, so we appreciate your understanding.
Also on Friday: at dusk, the Howard bio-pic The Whole Wide World will be shown in Treadway Park (just west of the Howard Museum). And on Saturday there will be a Classic Car Show in Treadway.
A word about being outdoors in Cross Plains. It will be hot! no matter what the weatherman says, that Texas sun will broil you like a slab of meat if you're not careful. Sun screen and plenty of hydration will be the order of the day. Some bug spray will be available in the Pavilion as well - have you SEEN the size of bugs in Texas?!
Almost all of the information you need is available under the tabs at the top of this page. However, there's nothing like experiencing Howard Days for yourself. Project Pride and the City of Cross Plains have pulled out all the stops to welcome the fans of Robert E. Howard and honor his legacy. There's no hospitality like Texas Hospitality!
If this is your first time, you'll need to know that Howard Days is like a big ol' family reunion, where you know some folks and you don't know others. But when we all get together in the Pavilion, you'll know that all the folks there are family, come to pay respects to Ol' Uncle Two-Gun Bob. We're looking forward to seeing you and sharing much Howard Fellowship!
And here's that Gaming Schedule we mentioned:
Please note that this gaming schedule is not hard and fast and to expect changes, additions, extemporaneous and pop-up games to happen. Please enjoy the freedom to set-up your game and play or demonstrate to other gamers and interested onlookers. Be a Howard Game Ambassador!
Thursday June 9th: Open Gaming IN the Pavilion - ALL DAY.
Friday June 10th:
10 to 4: Open Gaming on tables set up IN THE YARD at the REH Museum. NO GAMING IN THE PAVILION UNTIL AFTER 4 PM.
10 to 4: REH Table top & RPG gaming
at the Cross Plains Public Library.
Check at the Library for specifics.
Tentative Games: Matt John - Conan board game.
Bob Byrne: Conan Munchkin card
Plus other spontaneous games on site.
Also on Friday from 1-5: Mark Finn will present a D&D 5E Conan scenario in the meeting room at the First United Methodist Church. 8 players, pre-gen characters. Sign-up sheet at the Pavilion or at site appearance. FCFS
Saturday June 11th:
10 to 4: Open Gaming on tables set up IN THE YARD at the REH Museum. NO GAMING IN THE PAVILION UNTIL AFTER 6 PM.
10 to 4: REH Table top & RPG gaming
at the Cross Plains Public Library.
Check at the Library for specifics.
Tentative games: Jeb Boyt - Conan 2D20 from 11 to 3.
Matt John - Conan board game.
Other table top games To Be Determined on Site.
Open Gaming at the Library will be limited to table space.
The adaptability of gamers to find space is noted and appreciated.
Open Gaming at the REH Museum is a little more viable, of course as weather permits.
Everybody have some fun with all of this!
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