Tuesday, September 6, 2022



After considerable discussion, polling and debate, Project Pride of Cross Plains and The Robert E. Howard Foundation are pleased to announce the dates for Robert E. Howard Days 2023: April 28 & 29.

The main reason for the date change from June is due to the furnace-like temperatures that attendees have endured for the last two Howard Days. Moving the event to late April will provide everyone with a more inviting environment and make the outdoor activities more pleasant.

The theme of Howard Days 2023 will be "100 Years of Weird Tales" in celebration of the century birthday of The Unique Magazine. Not only was Weird Tales Bob Howard's first and foremost market, it provided us with a plethora of famous writers, like H.P. Lovecraft, Clark Ashton Smith and many others. We will celebrate Howard's impact in the pages of WT, of course, along with Weird Tales' pioneering of several literary genres.

The Guest of Honor at Howard Days 2023 is To Be Announced. He or she will headline all the regular events that happen at Howard Days; plus there's always room for surprises and continued Howard Fellowship.

We hope you can make plans to join us! Check back here soon for all the updates. Y'all come!

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