With only three months to go until Howard Days, it's time to make your plans to join us June 7th & 8th at the Robert E. Howard Museum in Cross Plains, Texas! While we are busy getting the panel scheduling tightened up, we do have some additional information to pass along in the meantime.
Project Pride, the driving force behind Howard Days, likes to send out flyers to previous attendees and those are ready to go. There is a registration form attached to the flyer that you can use to reserve yourself a seat at the Friday night Celebration Banquet. The cost is only $25.00 for the opportunity to have some authentic Texas chow, hear Guest of Honor Rob Roehm speak and rub elbows with Howard fans from all over the world!
Please note that the Banquet fee is the ONLY cost for the entire two days of this event. Everyone is welcome to Howard Days to enjoy the two days worth of free REH activities. The $25.00 registration fee is payable only if you want to partake of the Banquet.
Registration is now open. Send your $25.00 (per person) to Project Pride, POB 534, Cross Plains, Texas 76443 or you may PayPal at ProjPride@yahoo.com.
Regular - free - activities always in place at Howard Days include visiting the Robert E. Howard Museum, taking any of the four tours provided (House, Bus, Walking & Grounds), enjoying the adjacent Alla Ray Morris Pavilion, collecting an exclusive postal cancellation stamp souvenir at the Cross Plains Post Office, viewing original Howard manuscripts and Weird Tales magazines at the Cross Plains Library, attending the numerous panels devoted to the life and work of REH, enjoying a Hot Dog Lunch on Friday and a Sunset Bar-B-Que on Saturday, partaking of the Porchlight Poetry readings of REH poetry - and, best of all: partaking of the fine Howard Fellowship that finds you among fans of Bob from all over the world!
Plus a number of extemporaneous events and special happenings are lining up to enhance Howard Days 2024!
On Thursday, June 6, when the Museum is open from 2 to 4, we are going to have a special Installation Ceremony of Howard's Writing Table! As we mentioned earlier, Bob's table has been procured for the Museum by Paul Herman and the Robert E. Howard Foundation and is currently undergoing restoration. So this year you will be able to sit at the actual table where Bob Howard pounded out nearly 3 million words on a beast of an Underwood No.5 typewriter. And there are new photos of REH to be displayed in the hallway.
We know of some special guests who will be showing up as well, including Jim Zub, who is the current writer for Titan Comics' CONAN the BARBARIAN comic book.
Among other media notables appearing are Shawn Curley, the developer behind Heroic Signatures new REH podcasts and YouTube videos; (hopefully) the Cromcast podcast gang will be in town; and Stephanie Childress hopes to come in to do an oral history of Howard Days with interviews of attendees.
Finally (for now) we need to inform you that the Banquet and Silent Auction venue has changed. This year we are going back to the Cross Plains Community Center for the Banquet and we will have the Silent Auction next door at the American Legion Hall. The CC is a bit smaller than our previous venue, so it's even more important to get your Banquet Registrations in maybe a little early this year.
These three months will fly by! Hope to see y'all in Cross Plains June 7 & 8!
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