With the cold of March still in the air, it's time to think warmer thoughts! And there's nothing better to warm yourself than the hot Texas sun of June and Robert E. HOWARD DAYS!
We hope you'll be able to join us June 10th & 11th at the Robert E. Howard Museum in Cross Plains, Texas, for another exciting Howard Days, filled with fun, fine folks and fellowship! (And hopefully, not so much alliteration!)
2022 finds us with another dual themed event. We'll examine the REH INFLUENCE ON GAMING as well as celebrate the 90th Anniversaries of Conan the Cimmerian first story, as well as Worms of the Earth and the poem "Cimmeria", two of Howard's masterpieces. Fred Malmberg will be our Guest of Honor and we hope to have lots of surprise guests as well!
Registration is beginning soon. We've had to up the cost of the Banquet seat to $25.00 per person this year (the first price hike in NEARLY 20 YEARS!) You can register via mail at REH Days, Project Pride, POB 534, Cross Plains TX 76443 of via Pay Pal at Projpride@yahoo.com.
Please remember that all the activities at Howard Days are presented at no cost (FREE!) except for a seat at the Friday Banquet. Your money will help offset the cost of a Hot Dog Lunch and a BBQ dinner, so that's a great deal!
Pretty much all the information you'll need for Howard Days can be found by poking the little tabs at the top of this page. We've posted our basic schedule with activities and panels and will be updating this page on a regular basis as HD draws closer. We've also got a Howard Days Facebook page to ease with the information, so check that out as well.
Hope you can join us June 10-11 for our big Howard Family Reunion. Y'all Come!
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