The Robert E. Howard Foundation is pleased to announce that
artist Mark Schultz will be the Guest of Honor at Howard Days, June 12-13, 2015. Sponsored by the REH
Foundation and Project Pride and held annually at the REH Museum in Cross
Plains, Texas, Howard Days is a two-day celebration of the life and works of
author Robert E. Howard.
Mark is well-known as the illustrator for the first
Wandering Star pure REH text Conan edition, The Coming of Conan. His paintings,
full-page drawings, chapter headings and spot illustrations fill this volume
with a clean, energetic and stylistic imagery. Other Howard work that Mark has
done include the covers to Worms of the Earth (Cross Plains Comics), The
Colossal Conan (Dark Horse Comics) and the Adventures in Science Fantasy volume
for the REHF Press. One of Mark’s designs is used on the REH Museum t-shirt.
And, as it turns out, his very first professional comics work was inking the
pencils of Val Semeik’s Kull story in the Savage Sword of Conan #132. Mark will
also be doing the artwork for the special souvenir postal cancellation stamp
for Howard Days this year.
The annual Robert E. Howard Days celebration will take place
at the REH Museum in Cross Plains, Texas, on June 12th & 13th,
2015. Sponsored by Project Pride of Cross Plains and the Robert E. Howard
Foundation, the two-day event promises once again to be THE place to be for
fans of REH.
All of the activities associated with Howard Days are in
place: tours of the REH Museum & Grounds, the Celebration Banquet and
Silent Auction, the Bus Tour of Cross Plains, the REHF Awards presentation,
panel s of REH interest and the many extemporaneous discussions and poetry
readings among Howard fans and scholars, the Caddo Ranch Barbeque, the Swap Meet
at the Pavilion, the special Postal Cancellation souvenir – all this and more
await you at Howard Days. We’re also in discussion about some new events: an
organized tour to Howard’s gravesite in Brownwood, a REH trivia contest (with
prizes!), plus a more “formal” program booklet to have for another nice
For those of you interested in getting on the Howard
Days/Project Pride mailing list, please write to Project Pride, POB 534, Cross
Plains, TX 76443, e-mail:, or check the internet:, or the Robert E. Howard Days
Facebook page for additional information.
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